EnlinkAI first on Litium's new App Cloud

EnlinkAI launches a new app on Litium App Cloud to revolutionize e-commerce product descriptions with AI. All Litium customers can now benefit from its advantages and strengthen their presence in the digital market.

- We are happy and proud to work with Litium, a strong digital platform with modern technology. Many of their customers are market leaders, have thousands of products, and need product texts in several different languages. It felt like a good match and we are convinced that the interest in the solution is great in our common target market, says Edvin Kjäll, CEO of EnlinkAI.

The collaboration will provide more efficient management of product information, improve the customer experience and increase the competitiveness of Litium's customers.

– The solution simplifies for customers, allowing them to reach their business goals faster and at a lower cost than before. We increase efficiency and profitability while opening up new revenue streams. Our product development always strives to deliver win-win-win and with App Cloud we really achieve that," says Patrik Settlin, CEO of Litium.

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